by Natasha | Mar 29, 2016 | Bodysex testimonial, Bodysex workshops, Related Bodysex, Workshops |
I wish all women could really know and have the experience I just had in Saskatoon with Natasha and the eight other special women who are now my courageous and brave forever sisters. There is nothing like it. Nothing. I have attended many workshops of all kinds but they do not compare to the absolute rawness, vulnerableness and authenticity of Bodysex. Designed by women and only for women I am given total permission to express myself, and I mean all of me. Moreover I am held by others in full acceptance of my expression and I them. The reason for this, unlike all other learnings, is that there is a foundational inclusivity of our sexuality. Together, yet individually, as each other’s witnesses we look fully at our sex, we touch it, we talk about it, we sometimes cry and laugh about it and we experience the profound pleasure of it. For me this brings me ever more closer to my wholeness. My sexual self is often left out of many learning modalities as if it doesn’t exist. But not in the Bodysex circle, it is in fact the key that brings a new awareness and a new connection to ourselves like no other.
I know that visceral fear women have, because I have had it too, of breaking cultural taboos. After all, it has always been our burden to carry on tradition so that all does not fall apart. And yet, in my experience it is within the breaking apart, away and/or the breaking down that my true essence is unearthed and ultimately embraced for everything that it is. By that I mean when I brave the territory of going against the grain of what is culturally acceptable or the norm, I see and know that the world does not end, I don’t end, and if anything I build a new path or maybe find the path that was always there awaiting me. I can fearlessly walk this path acknowledging and declaring the real me. This process cannot at all happen without other women. They are my mirrors, my reflection back, my sisters in self discovery. I support them and they support me in my expression of pleasure, of love, of pain, of strength, of weakness, and of joy.
And who is the real me? I am many things but what showed up for me this time in the protected warmth of the circle of women is my wildly orgasmic self unafraid to take up space with my sounds of primal pleasure, with my big body, and with my heart that embraces the women around me. I am a woman who unabashedly shares the stories of my six decades of juicy fun sexcapades and who now, because of the strength I have found with my Bodysex sisters, makes conscious effort to let go of that which is not serving me and joyously make room for better things to come.
I feel inspired, grounded yet flying high, rejuvenated and looking forward to what Bodysex will bring to me because each time I participate I get taken to a deeper understanding of my purpose and a commitment to have my life be pleasurable as is my birthright.
A thousand thank-you’s, Natasha for giving us this experience with such grace, enthusiasm and sensitivity. I love you!
by Natasha | Mar 23, 2016 | Q&A |

Dear Natasha,
I have a problem. I can only orgasm during sex when I am on top and I rub against him. It’s not like how women in porn orgasm from penetration and no rubbing. What’s wrong with me?
Dear F.,
The difference between you and the women in porn is that you are actually orgasming and they aren’t! There is nothing at all wrong with you. You are achieving orgasm by stimulation of your clitoris which is your primary sex organ. This is the way that most women orgasm and you are able to do it while being penetrated which is a great way!
Porn is geared towards what the camera can capture. If someone were to film a woman orgasming from clitoral stimulation, something would be covering her clitoris which wouldn’t exactly lend itself to viewing pleasure. To orgasm all women need stimulation of their clitoris – either directly or indirectly. Direct is what you are talking about when you rub during sex and indirect means that the small percentage of women who are orgasming from vaginal penetration alone are doing so because the roots of their clitoris are being stimulated through their vagina. Your clitoris is much larger than what you see on the outside and is actually close in size to a penis on the inside of your body.
So basically there is nothing at all wrong with you. Enjoy your orgasms and never feel bad for doing what you need to do to get them!
Happy orgasms,
by Natasha | Mar 17, 2016 | Awakening, Self loving/masturbation |

This is dedicated to the women in my life who have taught me that being orgasmic is a kind of conscious awareness that extends far beyond our physical orgasms. Thanks for paving the way…….
I watch her, red stained hands, wearing only a bikini as she picks raspberry after raspberry and puts them in a bucket. Small but strong, she carries her body in a way that makes me pay attention. She is a mother – nearly 20 years older than me – and looking down at my youthful, yet covered up body, I know that she know’s something that I don’t.
It’s in the subtle sway of her hips, in the healthy food that she eats, the love she puts into her body, and that look of mischief in her eyes that tells me there is always something more going on. This is an orgasmic woman.
We huddle together in a wine bar drinking glass after glass and people watching. She is in her 80’s, and needs to sit close enough to hear me talk over the hum of the people around us. Servers come and go and she makes comments under her breath about who she would like to take home and *%&#. A little while later she sits holding a crying woman in her arms – who was a stranger only moments before.
It’s in her acceptance of herself. The swears, the irreverence, the dirty talk and at the same time her acceptance of others. It’s in the freedom to be exactly who she is and not apologize. This is an orgasmic woman.
I see her standing there looking like a jewel against a cement background. She’s in her sixties, scarf blowing in the wind, cheeks flushed, hair in complete disarray. From the look on her face I know that she has taken on the town today. And she has.
It’s in her wind blown hair, in her smile that knows things that other women don’t, and in her ability to completely lose herself in her orgasms. This is an orgasmic woman.
It’s early in the morning and I’m laying in bed feeling more awake than I’ve ever felt in my life. Taking off my blanket the cold air hits my warm body, instantly making all the tiny hairs stand on end. I shiver and the shiver reminds me of the shiver I feel when I’m touched. Skin on skin. Moving my hands closer to my body I can feel the heat from them on my skin, and I arch towards it. Closer my hands gets until they rest on the tiny hairs that are still standing erect from the cold. The pressure form my hand on the tips of the hairs sends more shivers into my body and instantly I am overcome with pleasure.
Swaying my hips, putting love into my body, accepting myself just as I am, I lose myself in my orgasms. I am an orgasmic woman.
by Natasha | Mar 11, 2016 | Bodysex workshops |

“I wish all women could really know and have the experience I just had in Saskatoon with Natasha and the eight other special women who are now my courageous and brave forever sisters. There is nothing like it. Nothing.” ……R (Feb. Bodysex participant)
Bodysex is a transformative and undefinable experience for women, of all ages and sexual orientations, interested in the empowering freedom that comes from shedding the masks, roles and clothing that we hide behind everyday. The workshop is done in the nude, yet it is non sexual. It is about creating sisterhood, healing body shame and celebrating pleasure.
I am thrilled to announce my second Bodysex Retreat Weekend on May 14th-16th held at the sacred Ancient Spirals retreat centre near Saskatoon SK. Canada. “Thirty acres of trees and rolling hills, on the banks of the South Saskatchewan River, give life to an abundance of animals and plants. This life surrounds the retreat with beauty and serenity. It’s a perfect place to relax, let go and just be.” During non workshop hours participants will be free to walk trails, journal, read, share talents, spend time alone or visit with other participants.
The two day workshop will include:
- Sacred circle where, in first person, we share about our relationships with our bodies and our orgasms. This is the time to let go of any shame that has been holding us back from fully celebrating our pleasure. Through this, the roots of sisterhood will begin forming as we accept each other for who are. No more and no
- Group genital show and tell. This is a powerful ceremony where we display our vulva one at a time, identify all of the parts of our anatomy and recognize the beauty and diversity amongst us.
- Learn new methods to enhance our orgasms and our self loving practice. Understanding our sexual anatomy, how breath, movement, sound and our pc muscle work to enhance our pleasure on all levels.
- Self loving, side by side, in the circle during “erotic recess.” Sharing our own pleasure, without expectation, with other women is one of the most powerful experiences that you will ever have. This is about learning to be our own lover, healing body shame, overcoming sexual guilt and sharing in sisterhood. This is also an opportunity for me to help personally guide you, towards orgasm or increased pleasure if you have never orgasmed or are having difficulty and would like help.
- Group massage. This ancient practice is almost impossible to describe in words. It is a transcendent experience where we are able to give and receive loving, non sexual touch from the other women in the circle.
Retreat Details:
LOCATION: Ancient Spirals Retreat Centre Saskatoon SK. Canada. (transportation from Saskatoon to the retreat location will be provided for out of town participants at an extra cost of $25.00)
DATES: 1pm May 14th – 1pm May 16th (Participants are able to leave on the evening of May 15th or early morning on the 16th if necessary as the workshop will be completed, but it is nice to stay that last night together if at all possible)
COST: $550 CDN. Included in this fee is the full Bodysex workshop, mystic wand vibrator, all meals, shared accommodation for 2 nights.
$200 NRF deposit on registration.
Space is limited to 10 participants
Please advise me of any dietary restrictions and/or preferences
REGISTER: on my website or email for all enquiries.
Here are some testimonials from women who attended the February Bodysex Retreat:
“I arrived in Canada scared, nervous, self-conscious, and looking for a quick fix to reignite the sexual flame that seemed to have been lost somewhere over the past 10 years. What I found was so much more. I never imagined that a “sex workshop” could result in so much healing. After the workshop, I left Saskatoon feeling whole, seen, loved, and beautiful. The shame and regret I felt previously were replaced by a strong sense of hope and an understanding of the power that comes from shared feminine sexuality. ” …..L (Feb. Bodysex participant)
“I wasn’t expecting such an obvious change in myself after bodysex. I knew i had a lot of work ahead of me to train myself to feel libido again. But the day I got home from the workshop, i actually wanted to have sex !!! I love the “certified orgasmic” tshirt, it makes me feel on fire!!!!:) and i used my vibrator in front of my husband and it wasn’t scary and he loved it. We broke down that brick wall. I got my period the next day but I still was horny so we got creative and I did it myself a few times or he helped me in various ways. Now that my period is over we have had sex 4 days in a row!!!!!i have NEVER wanted to have sex this much. Lol!! And last night, *I* seduced *him* into having sex with me! Ha! Thank you Natasha and my circle sisters. You have changed my sex life completely.” …..J (Feb. Bodysex participant)
by Natasha | Mar 10, 2016 | Bodysex testimonial, Bodysex workshops, Posts |
Here is a beautiful testimonial from a woman who attended my February Bodysex Retreat/Workshop. She sent the message to my mentor’s Betty // in thanks for sharing their knowledge by training other women to be Bodysex facilitators.
My next Bodysex Workshop retreat will be May 14th/15th 2016 at Ancient Spirals Retreat Centre. This will be the only Bodysex workshop until next winter. Details will be updated on my site over the next couple of days. Pm me to book as space is limited!
Dear Betty and Carlin,
I cannot thank you enough for making the decision to share your talents and messages of self-love with a larger audience through your Bodysex certification courses. Last weekend, I traveled to Saskatoon, Canada to attend Natasha Salaash’s Bodysex workshop and my experience (one that you know well) can only be described as transformational.
I arrived in Canada scared, nervous, self-conscious, and looking for a quick fix to reignite the sexual flame that seemed to have been lost somewhere over the past 10 years. What I found was so much more. I never imagined that a “sex workshop” could result in so much healing. After the workshop, I left Saskatoon feeling whole, seen, loved, and beautiful. The shame and regret I felt previously were replaced by a strong sense of hope and an understanding of the power that comes from shared feminine sexuality.
Now, back home, I find myself still basking in the unconditional love of my Bodysex sisters. At the same time, my heart aches for all of the women who may never have the opportunity (or open mindedness) to experience the life changing magic of Bodysex. Despite this, I am buoyed by the knowledge that, through your work, this information is being shared. Betty, thank you for your continued commitment to sharing the beauty of masturbation with women worldwide. Thanks to you vulva shame is well on its way to extinction! Carlin, thank you for helping to bring Betty’s vision and voice to an even broader audience. The work you are doing to ensure that her message is carried on is critical. Finally, thank you both for mentoring Natasha. She led our workshop with such compassion, honesty, and grace and is an inspiration to many of the women in our group. Keep up the wonderful work!