by Natasha | Oct 30, 2017 | Q&A |

Dear Natasha,
When I masturbate I have a hard time being able to forget that it’s my own hand and not someone else’s. I can orgasm but I want it to feel like it’s someone else doing it so I can enjoy it more. Knowing it’s mine makes me feel bad. How can I make it feel like someone else?
Dear J,
Thank you for your question although I have to admit that I felt sad reading it. While I completely understand wanting to be touched by someone else, I’m curious about why you feel bad knowing that it’s your own? What about someone else’s touch would make you enjoy it more? Because I don’t know more about you and your feelings, I can only answer you based on assumptions and experiences I hear from other women.
Touch is a physical act but it comes from a place of intention within ourselves. I like to think of our hand as simply a vehicle carrying and delivering this intention. Through touch we can deliver powerful messages ranging from love, appreciation and acceptance – to boredom, expectation and even hate.
I’d like you to ask yourself what your intention is when you touch someone else? What do you think they’d feel from you? What changes your intention when you direct it towards yourself? Rather than trying to make your own touch feel like someone else’s I recommend changing the intention with which you touch yourself to one that is loving, present and curious. If this feels too difficult to do then pretend you’re touching someone you love and hopefully after time you will begin to feel that for yourself.
You are guaranteed only one relationship your entire life and that’s with you. It can be the greatest of all love affairs, something to count on and a safe harbour, or something to tie you over when there’s nothing better. It’s up to you to decide.
Much love to you J,
by Natasha | Oct 20, 2017 | Q&A |

Hey Natasha,
Have a question for you. Situation is new to me so I wasn’t sure who to ask.
I have been seeing this woman for a while and things are great. When we first started sleeping together she told me she squirted. I was kind of excited by this because it was new to me, now I’ve been questioning it a little because it seems too easy.
What I mean by this is that at first it was quite exciting because men often don’t get to see such physical evidence of their effort to pleasure their partner. We were getting to know each other physically and it was kind of a rush, no pun intended.
Now though, it almost feels too easy. She will squirt 7-10 times and while I hope it’s because if something I’m doing I can’t help wonder if it’s just natural for her and I’m not really doing anything. I feel like I should have to be working harder for this if that makes sense. At this point I’m using other cues to judge pleasure because the squirting happens so easily.
So here is the question, what exactly is squirting? Is it like cumming? Is it easier for a woman? Should it be this easy or am I just overthinking this whole thing and should just enjoy the experience?
Dear B,
Hey! I’m so glad you asked me! These are great questions and ones that I’m sure many guys have. It’s also interesting for me to answer because I rarely hear the male perspective of this scenario.
First of all squirting is ejaculation but it is not an orgasm. It can accompany an orgasm but just because a woman squirts does not necessarily mean she orgasmed. This is true for men as well in that “cumming” is not the same as orgasming. Many men ejaculate at the same time as they orgasm ,but with practice can learn to delay the ejaculation while allowing the orgasm. This means that a man can keep his erection and continue having penetrative sex.
Some women squirt very easily and love it. Some women don’t or haven’t squirted. Some women who squirt don’t experience any pleasure from it. Some have learned that guys like to see them squirt so they do it almost on cue. This doesn’t mean that they don’t enjoy it but it can mean that at times it may be more of a performance or distraction from the fact that she isn’t orgasming. Squirting is a release that does not (and should not) require bearing down or pushing, but rather letting go.
For both men and women sex can become more of a performance than an actual experience when we are more worried about the other person’s feelings or perceptions than we are about our own pleasure.
I can’t tell you what this woman is experiencing but you seem to be a guy who wants to know both that his partner is experiencing pleasure, and that you are doing what you can to support her in that. These are both great things! I think what’s necessary here is a conversation between the two of you about what each of you like and what squirting is like for her. You may also feel that you’d like the opportunity to practice pleasuring her in other ways and this conversation would be a great time to express that desire. Just like a woman can get stuck in the habit of quickly having a clitoral orgasm**, she can also get in the pattern of quickly squirting. Part of practicing being a good lover is learning variety in giving and receiving pleasure.
I really encourage you to talk to her — gently and absolutely non accusatory. Having an open dialogue about sex is healthy and it means that the possibility of so much MORE is there!
I hope this helps. Please keep me posted!
** Normally I prefer to not categorize different types of orgasms because I believe that they all come from the clitoris – either directly or indirectly. Squirting happens from stimulation of the g-spot which is not a spot at all really but rather the back end of the clitoris, which can be accessed inside a woman’s vagina. For the purpose of simplifying my answer I categorized clitoral orgasm.
by Natasha | Oct 14, 2017 | Orgasmic Women: Advanced Bodysex Retreat, Posts |

“Your partner can help you to have an orgasm but not be orgasmic. This is your responsibility. Because the actual quality of the orgasm depends on you, it is important to develop an awareness of how your body moves, how your muscles react, how the depth and rhythm of your breathing can help in the experience of pleasure, and how pleasure can be intensified and made to last longer. You become at once the giver and receiver………As you learn the techniques, you’ll strengthen your trust and confidence in yourself as a sexually attractive individual, and you’ll discover that pleasuring yourself physically is an essential part of loving yourself emotionally, bringing together your sexual energy and your heart. Self pleasuring makes your heart happy. “ – Margo Anand
Follow the link to register for the last remaining spot in this retreat:
*** photo credit Dana Kellet
by Natasha | Oct 3, 2017 | Orgasmic Women: Advanced Bodysex Retreat, Posts, Related Bodysex, Workshops |

I am getting so excited excited for my Advanced Bodysex retreat in November! Some women have asked if they are ready for an “advanced” retreat and basically the only requirement is that you have previously attended a Betty Dodson Certified Bodysex workshop. The reason for this is that I want everyone to know their sexual anatomy, and to have experienced being nude in a group so that it isn’t such a big fear. The focus of this retreat will be on self exploration and we will explore ourselves in many different ways. Physically through touch, movement and sound. Spiritually through breath and energy awareness. Emotionally and intellectually through examining old stories we carry regarding our sexuality, pleasure and shame as well as identifying what we want, need and desire for our sex life. We will explore through engaging our five sense and seeking to find pleasure in everyday experiences. Throughout the 3 night retreat we will practice self pleasure – pushing the edges of our comfort – so that we can grow and learn though our practice.
The inner work will begin before the retreat starts in the form of “homework” which you will not be required to share.
The retreat is half full and registration closes November 1st. A $200 deposit is required upon registering. The retreat is over half full. Email me to book or with any questions you may have.
by Natasha | Oct 1, 2017 | Bodysex workshops |

The night before last weekend’s Bodysex retreat began, I laid down on the rug in the centre of the circle — inhaling the smells of body oil and beeswax — and felt the familiar sensation of being home. If I don’t feel safe to be myself in a circle of women, where in the world would I feel safe?
Having just come off of a stressful and at the same time joy filled summer, I was nervous about what would come up for me over the weekend. The lessons from summer had taught me that in order to continue growing and learning, I need to take what I’ve discovered within myself, and apply it to growing and learning with others. I hold back a lot — afraid of my “more” that feels like “too much” — worrying that my “too much” will be uncomfortable for other people. Holding back myself can make me seem selfish, can mean that I don’t get my needs met or can result in me shining only half of my light. To trust that both myself and others will be accepting of the full expression of me, requires a whole new level of vulnerability. In all honesty I was scared. But with the feeling of home in my heart and the intention of being present in all that I am, I entered into the first day of the retreat.
No retreat is the same as another, as no circle of women is the same. There are always similarities but each group of women brings a unique collection of stories, gifts and way of being. Right from the start this group exuded a feeling of calm, gentle, sacredness. With trust in the women and trust in myself, I opened the circle.

These beads (handmade by women in Kenya) represent each of the women who have sat in my Bodysex circles.
Halfway through the first day we do the Genital Show and Tell, which is my favourite part of the whole weekend. The privilege of sitting beside each woman — close enough so that we can both see the same image of her vulva in the mirror between her legs — is not lost on me. Seeing, naming and acknowledging our vulvas, surrounded by the love and support of other women, is an essential step in the process of integrating our sexual selves with the rest of who we are. I see it as a bridge connecting two worlds. As each woman chose a wish for her vulva, I noticed that the wishes were representative of much more, and that I’m not the only one holding back. “To be brave” “To let go” “To feel love” “To fully expose myself” “To love my femininity” “To allow pleasure” “To claim the worthiness it takes to orgasm” and “The freedom to explore with no restrictions.”

On the second day of the retreat everyone seemed much more comfortable being naked and we all giggled when someone bent over in front of our face or when the first fart was let out. I noticed how the women’s bodies became a contradiction almost of softness and strength. Less protected and yet more upright. I saw it as the freedom of being who we are and owning it.

We began the erotic recess with a self touching meditation. As our pleasure built, the sounds of our moaning – mixed with the humming of the vibrators – filled the room until you couldn’t tell who was making what sound. I’ve never felt so safe to be loud in my life. It was like an orchestra of uninhibited pleasure. When the sounds died down I sat up and noticed two women on the other side of the circle holding their hands out in front of themselves — sending energy — to a woman who seemed to be struggling. Knowing without a doubt that it was the right thing to do, I did something that I’ve never done before, and went to her. Sitting down beside her head I could see the stress on her face and body as she struggled to bring herself to orgasm. Reaching my hand towards her I softly smoothed out the lines on her forehead and jaw while she opened her eyes — letting me know I was welcome to stay with her. Encouraging her with words, I placed my hand on her chest and drew her heart energy up her body which was flush from pleasure. Tears fell from her eyes as I felt her heart open and a complete absence of resistance to me.

Noticing tension in her legs I moved down alongside her body and sat in front of her bent knees. Looking at each other eye to eye I began to breathe deeply — exaggerating the sounds of my breath with the hope that she would connect to it and find a way out of the anxiety in her mind and into the sensations in her body. She followed my breathing until our breath became like a circle of energy looping between us. Our breath now in sync I could see that there was still tension in her body and, without thinking about it, my own body began to soften and sway in front of her. Like a reflection in a mirror her body followed mine and we breathed, eye to eye, softening and swaying while she pleasured herself in front of me.
Sensing that she needed more support I invited, with her permission, the other women to come over and join us. Surrounding her we connected to each other with our hands, our legs and our hearts, creating a beautiful web of sisterhood that weaved around and through her. I knew in that moment that what was happening was something much larger than any one of us and that women from centuries ago must have done this very thing. It was profoundly sacred.
“It feels like something is being birthed” one of the women said, as we sang our sweet sister through a birthing of her own.
I entered the retreat afraid of being too much, leaned into my too much, and through that was able to witness with awe the wonderful “muchness” in all of us.
Thank you for your web of sisterhood:
Bento Box
Playboy Bunny
Fleur de Cala Lily
Camel Toe
Little Girl
Fucking Squirrel