We Are All The Same Body

The beautiful share comes from a woman who has sat in the Bodysex circle with me 5 times. This is Bodysex.


I now see humanness in every woman.

And a person I know

Like the woman who walks in all beautiful to the gym with her long curly hair.
First instinct is to judge her
Because she’s obviously done her hair for the gym.
But then her body type and hair reminds me of this other woman,
one that I went to Bodysex with.
And suddenly I’m not judging her anymore,
because she has sat in circle with me.
Or a totally groomed lady comes in with her fancy mom hair and I see a woman I sat with in Bodysex.
So I don’t judge because I know what might be happening behind the illusion
Or a young single girl comes in and I think “you have it so easy, no kids. No responsibility.
and then I see the girl from body sex who wants nothing more than a committed relationship and kids
It goes on.
There is a connection to be had with every woman and each of us has a story.
I feel so much more open to other people’s stories now,
Because the common themes of wanting love and struggling for acceptance and all of it come together.
We are all the same body.


“How Bodysex Has Changed My Life.” Part 3 of 5***Self Awareness/Self Actualization***

******* The following quotes and photos are shared with permission by women who have attended at least one of my Bodysex Retreats. Thanks to all of you for showing up and allowing me to see you in your full light and beauty and for you  seeing mine.”

“I really see it like a womb that allows for recreation of what we want to be in our lives at this moment,
plus offers the gift of being brave enough to do a scary thing, which empowers us to do other scary things. “

“Recognizing patterns and connections between all aspects of my life and past experiences.”

“Through the multiple trips around the bodysex circle I am coming to find that I – all of what that is – do belong, everywhere that I am. Even in the scariest places to Be KNOWN, like, in my family. Because I am ok with me, and I guess that’s all I really needed to know.”

“Do right by yourself, jump like a frog, and fuck the fuckers. “

“Not being able to hide behind my clothes and daily roles didn’t just allow others to see me, but allowed me to see myself”

“I’ve learned to trust my intuition. To listen to my body first and let it be my guide”

“I understand myself better and accept my need for down time more than I used to. It started with me paying attention to my shift in hormones in relation to sex, but it affects every aspect of my life too, the days I’m creative, the days I feel like cleaning, the days I feel like resting. As women in a patriarchal world, we push ourselves to do so much and we need rest, and to listen to the wisdom of our bodies. Body sex helped me grasp that concept on a more full level than intellectually because of the circle of women, their acceptance and mirroring.”

“I’m now so tuned into my body and nervous system responses, I have so much faith in myself that I can feel into it and make good decisions with no regret.”

Hearing Stories Of The Other Women Empowered Me To Look Deeper Within Myself

**** Here’s a written and visual testimonial from a woman who attended one of my Bodysex Retreats just over a year ago

“I spent my 20’s working to establish myself in my career and finding a husband and becoming a mother.  By my early 30’s I achieved all these goals. 10yrs under my belt in my careers, a wife and a mother of 3. I had nothing else to achieve. I was happy and content. I was good at my job and continued to learn and grow.  I was a good wife. I was a good mother. Into my mid to late 30’s I continued to improve myself in these 3 areas of my life. I put on some pounds (after I’d lost the baby weight) and was working to embrace my new squishy, motherly self. Intercourse with my husband became more enjoyable as my reproductive disease (endometriosis) that had caused painful intercourse went into remission because of my pregnancies. I started to look toward opportunities that would make me a more rounded person, a better me, a better wife and mother.  To challenge myself and push my boundaries I travelled to Saskatchewan to attend a BodySex workshop. My whole life changed.

I don’t even know that I can put into words how and why.  The scariest part of the weekend for me was the group massage portion. I didn’t want to touch my sisters and I really didn’t want them to touch me. I sobbed my way through the exercise and was showered with love from my sisters. I came to realize I need to touch people meaningfully. Hug longer, make eye contact more often. I realized that my career had gotten in the way of my personal life and I’d come to see touching people too clinically.
Hearing stories of the other women empowered me to look deeper within myself. My husband and I had always had a satisfactory sex life. In the 1.5yrs since I did the BodySex workshop it has continued to get better and better. I’ve let down some of my guards and become a more genuine version of myself. Each new layer I peel back leads us to new places and a new level of intimacy.
I look forward to attending more workshops in the future and encourage all women to attend at least just one.  I didn’t get what I thought I would out of the workshop. What I came away with was so much more than I ever could’ve predicted.  1.5yrs after my 3day work shop it still continues to change and shape my life.  I am forever grateful that I attended.”
