“A circle of women may be the most powerful force known to humanity. If you have one, embrace it. If you need one, seek it. If you find one, for the love of all that is good and holy, dive in. Hold on. Love it up. Get naked. Let them see you. Let them hold you. Let your reluctant tears fall. Let yourself rise fierce and love gently. You will be changed. The very fabric of your being will be altered by this, if you allow it. Please, please allow.”
– unknown
I picked up my beautiful sister Rebekah from the airport last night, flying in all the way from sunny California. We met a year and a half ago in an online group for women, seeking certification in Bodysex, yet had never met in real life. In spite of this we hugged like we have known each other forever and then sat in my bedroom like teenagers drinking tea, eating pot popcorn, making jewellry and talking for hours.
We held nothing back – our fears, triumphs, heartaches and stories of intense pleasure – hanging on every detail. Once you have sat in a Bodysex circle, vulnerability becomes the norm in your relationships and for this I am so grateful. There is nothing that I could say that she wouldn’t accept, and knowing that feels like I’m being held in one humongous hug. And I am. It’s a sisterhood hug.
I watch her face and her body as she tells me her stories. Sometimes there are tears in her eyes, sometimes she belly laughs – alternating from being deeply profound to extremely irreverent in the same sentence. The whole time I am thinking that this is what an orgasmic woman looks like in her 60’s. I hope that this will be me as well.
Today as I get the final details in place for the workshop tomorrow, I will undoubtedly feel all sorts of feelings. Elation, inadequacy, fear, excitement, nervousness, and absolute gratefulness. I will think of each and every woman that I have sat in a circle with and all that we shared physically, emotionally and spiritually together. Tonight I will have an orgasm (or two) in celebration and thanks to them.
Tomorrow as I take my place in the circle – undoubtedly nervous and afraid – I will go back to my breath and through it allow my tears to fall, my strength to rise and the circle of sisterhood to carry me. <3
I was searching to see where this has been shared around the web, and stumbled across your page – these are my words. lovely to see them shared here 🙂
Wow I can’t believe that this is your quote!!! Amazing! It is one of my favourite quotes of all time and I have wondered who said it! Can I have your full name so that I can share it as your words? I’m glad that you are happy that they’re shared here. <3