Retreat Full

Cost: 595 / pers + participation in food, accommodation included (you have your vibrator)

Pour cette retraite avancée, il vous est demandé d’être encore plus ouvertes, fluides et curieuses. Au lieu d’avoir un but bien précis, l’invitation est de demeurer en état de présence, d’émerveillement et de pleine participation. Pour moi, être orgasmique veut dire : disponible à sentir mieux, davantage, donc être très présente à ce qui se révèle, à ce qui est possible, à laisser l’énergie couler en soi, traverser le corps. Ce processus demande de s’imprégner totalement de chaque ressenti, afin d’enrichir notre expérience intérieure, ainsi qu’ une bonne dose d’acceptation et de non jugement.

Simplement ressentir ce qui est, sans l’analyser.

A woman can experience herself as orgasmic on a daily basis by the way she moves, dance, sing, drum, breathe, eat, cry, laugh, make love, give birth, practice its spirituality and to connect with nature …

Being orgasmic is therefore not just the ability to enjoy but an awakening of the self, which has an impact on our way of being in the world.

BodySex level 2

“Orgasmic women; an in-depth exploration of pleasure and self-presence through breathing, movement, sound and the 5 senses”

This 3-day workshop includes:

  • Opening circle: each woman shares her intention and presents her vulva, (name and preferences) followed by a blessing.
  • Several circles of autoeroticism, starting with a meditation to relax the pelvic floor. Practice of the technique of “edging”.
  • Breath work: a conscious breathing ceremony, powerful group process with ecstatic music, pumping, sounds, etc.
  • Awakening of the 5 senses (for two): bring more pleasure and presence in oneself via a blind game, a sensual non-genital exploration.
  • Limits and Consent Games; to practice feeling a real yes, a real no, clearly expressing what you want or not.
  • Verbal sharing circles. Writing of a private diary.
  • Internal mapping: we will explore the inside of our vagina as well as the cervix, walls and muscles, with the help of a partner, in order to gain better self-knowledge.
  • Fantasies, desires and fantasies: free your imagination to create an erotic scenario, share it with two and then as a group.
  • Share your fantasies or daydreams during an erotic recreation.
  • Practice with witness: sacred ritual for two that supports autoeroticism, for more acceptance and love of oneself.
  • Some surprises! Exercises in motion, etc.
  • Sororal closing ceremony.

Sign up on my website here or email for all inquiries.


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