This two part workshop is designed for any woman interested in developing an intimate relationship with herself and her body as a base from which all other relationships can grow. This intimacy includes: understanding your sexual anatomy and how it works, addressing body shame, learning to touch yourself with the grace and love with which you would touch a new lover, orgasm techniques for optimum pleasure, self awareness and being vulnerable in a trusted space. This learning is based on my own journey towards self discovery as well as training under NY based Sex Educator’s Betty Dodson and Carlin Ross. This workshop will mimic a sacred circle ritual of sisterhood that has been around for centuries. In looking inward, sharing our stories, and through loving touch, a burden within ourselves will be lifted.
Day 1
-Arrive and take your place in the circle. Introductions.
-Sharing Circle – Masturbation/self loving history and Body issues and shame.
-Admiring the beauty and diversity of the vulva – photo and art display showing the variety in women’s genitalia. Brief overview of anatomy diagrams to help better understand our primary sex organ, the clitoris, and its complexity.
-Vulva show and tell – Live demonstration where I lead, an already chosen volunteer, in displaying her vulva. ( Labia, vagina, urethra, clitoris) Understanding the functions of our sexual anatomy and recognizing the beauty in our diversity is an important step in dealing with negative body image and optimizing our pleasure.
-Snack break
-Questions and discussion.
-Loving touch – learn the art of sensate focus self touch. This will be a non sexual activity with clothes on. Divide into groups and everyone will get the chance to feel the power of this healing touch from another.
-Closing circle
-Homework that requires privacy to complete
Day 2
-Meet in the circle and share how your night was. How did the homework go? Difficult? Enjoyable? Surprises?
-Video demonstration of Masturbation and Orgasm techniques by NY based Sex Educator Carlin Ross.
-Snack break
-Self touching demo(done by instructor) – Learn to touch your whole self. It is a profound act of compassion for yourself when you touch your body in the way in which you would touch your lover’s.
-Orgasm technique demo – Live demonstration of different touching and building to orgasm techniques. Learn different ways to masturbate, and ways to incorporate your whole body into your practice. How breath, sound, movement and the PC muscle affect your orgasm. Learn the Betty Dodson method “Rock N’ Roll” Orgasm.
-Group massage. This is a non sexual, healing ritual that bonds us together on a shared journey towards loving ourselves.
-Closing circle.
-Dinner (provided)
Workshop details:
Location: 300 3rd Avenue South, Saskatoon SK. Canada
May 2nd (Sat. 1-5)
May 3rd (Sun. 1-5)
Dinner provided following workshop on Sunday.
2 days $250.00
$100 NRF deposit on registration
maximum 10 participants
email to register or call 306-241-2408
Remember that this is new for all of us and feeling scared and vulnerable is normal and expected. Everyone who comes to the workshop will sign a confidentiality agreement to ensure that everything stays in the circle. While this may be emotional, I can promise that it will be fun and there will be laughter as well! Please email me with any concerns or questions you may have. Nothing is off limits or silly to ask.
Please wear comfortable clothes with preferably short sleeves so that you have some skin exposed for touch. I look forward to seeing you in the circle!
When is the next session?
Hello Sydney. I am no longer doing this Art of Self Loving Workshop however I am doing Bodysex workshops. The next one will be April 29-MAy 1st – details to be posted soon