Genital Dearmouring
“At the heart of genital dearmouring is creating an unconditionally safe and trusting space for the body to remember how to feel and thus, how to heal itself. The feeling is the healing. Armor forms when the body feels the need to guard and protect itself from a threat to its well being. But it’s the unexpressed and unallowed emotions from that experience that is keeping the protective guards in place. So the unconditionally safe and trusting space allows and invites whatever emotion the body needs to feel and express — to have space to do so — in whatever ways the body wants.” — Rahi Chun, Somatic Sexual Wholeness
In my Counseling and Intimacy Coaching practice I commonly hear clients express that they don’t know what safety feels like in their body, what they want/don’t want and what feels pleasurable for them. Some have a history of sexual violence or enduring unwanted and painful sexual experiences, and many were raised as children to put others needs before their own. In these circumstances, a person may feel that their only option is to disconnect from their own body’s wisdom, choice and voice in order to maintain connections with others. This disconnection causes the body to create armor in an effort to prevent further harm. Armor can show up as physical or emotional pain, numbness and avoidance of sexual intimacy.
Genital Dearmouring is a process of creating safety that enables and invites you to reconnect to your body’s felt wisdom, attune to what your body wants and needs, offers support to voice those needs, reconnect to your genitals and experience unconditional presence that allows for armor to release.
“I feel more connected to not just my genitals but my entire being and find myself speaking out for what I want and need in my daily life more than before. I feel more integrated as a whole woman and so committed to loving myself by being really mindful of what and who I allow in my life and my body.” – Genital Dearmouring client
Who is Genital Dearmouring for?
• Women who have little/no idea what they want or like and want a safe space to explore and learn.
• Women who have a history of pleasing others.
• Women who experience numbness or pain in their genitals during sex or apart from sex.
• Women wanting to deepen the felt sense in their body and connect to their inner wisdom.
• Women interested in learning about their sexual anatomy and identifying the different sources of pleasure inside their vagina, anus and on their cervix.
• Women wanting to reconnect their genitals with the rest of their body. (Head said yes to sex but body said no).
• Women who’ve experienced sexual trauma.
• Women who consented to sex they didn’t want.
• Women who were force fed, experienced irumatio (forced penetration of penis in mouth)
• Women who grew up with a lack of voice, were emotionally repressed and held back feelings.
• Women who’ve experienced medical trauma effecting their genitals/anus.
“For the first time in my life, I felt deeply connected to my vagina. I can feel sensations inside her and can feel — without touching her — whether she’s ready to receive or needs more time. From now on, I’ll always listen to her.” — Genital Dearmouring client
What would a Genital Dearmouring session look like?
The Dearmouring process happens in sessions that are two hours in length. The session begins with neuroaffective touch to support grounding, establish safety and lay the foundation for body attunement. This touch includes the use of warm pillows that enhance the feeling of being nurtured and cared for which can be essential ingredients to feeling safe. Once you feel safe enough to attune to your body’s wisdom, I will offer unconditionally present sensual touch moving through all of the 11 erogenous zones in your body. The touch will be led by me yet guided by you, helping your body learn that it can trust you to listen. It is important that your body recognizes me as a servant of it, that’s only allowed to touch you because you have consented to me touching you. This gives your body the experience and knowledge that it has choice over everything that happens to it, and space to voice that choice. This touch will progress to your genitals where I will lead you through mapping external and internal sexual anatomy exploring different areas and what feels pleasurable for your body. Through this process I will be attuned to any areas of numbness or pain that show up and, if so, will support you in somatic practices to express what needs to be expressed for the armor to release. Sessions could also include throat/jaw or anal dearmouring if you wish. Depending on your desires and the armor in your body, you may choose to have more than 1 session. While I’m happy to offer my recommendations regarding this, the choice is entirely up to you.
“I feel like I could have talked about things (in therapy) for months and dearmouring was like a fast track to actual change. I’m a different person now – more truly myself!” – Genital Dearmouring client
**Because the intention in these sessions is to honor your body’s voice and choice, we may not cover all of this in one session. We will go at a pace that feels right for you.
What do I need from you before we can begin?
Before a session(s) can begin, I will send you an intake form to fill out that will help me understand some of your history and identify patterns that could have led to building armor. If you are an existing client who has worked with me in any other capacity (Bodysex, Intimacy Coaching, Counseling), you can send the form to me and we can book. If you’re new to me as a client, you will need to book a 1hr intake session where we go over your intake and begin the process of creating safety for attunement ($110).
How can I book Dearmouring sessions?
If you’re interested in booking, please email me at natashasalaash21@gmail.com
Cost: $275/session. Each session is maximum of 2 hrs. If you haven’t worked with me before, you need to book a 1hr intake session before we begin dearmouring. ($110)
What have people who’ve experienced Dearmouring with me gained from it?
• Pleasure!
• Release of pain
• Greater body awareness
• Connection to their genitals
• Increase in pleasurable sensations
• Greater understanding of their internal and external sexual anatomy including what feels good and what doesn’t
• Understanding of what kind and quality of touch they enjoy
• Understanding of what safety feels like in their body and how it connects to pleasure
• Increased self-awareness
• More able to speak up and ask for what they want and need
• Learn dearmouring techniques for releasing armor and for enhancing pleasure
• More openness in their body
• Feeling more whole
• Use of breath, movement and sound as tools for releasing armor and for enhancing pleasure
What is the difference between Genital Dearmouring and Honoring the Body’s Voice and Choice?
Genital Dearmouring and Honoring the Body’s Voice and Choice both include; Neuroeffective touch to support safety, learning body attunement through exploration of the 11 erogenous zones (including external genitalia), support to bring awareness and choice to what feels pleasurable for the body and invitations to voice this choice.
Genital Dearmouring also includes body mapping of the internal and external genitalia as well as the dearmouring process when any pain or numbness shows up.
“Dearmouring is a process of inviting soul to remember, integrate or process an experience the body is waiting to have resolved.” – Rahi Chun, Somatic Sexual Wholeness