I wasn’t expecting such an obvious change in myself after bodysex. I knew i had a lot of work ahead of me to train myself to feel libido again. But the day I got home from the workshop, i actually wanted to have sex !!! I love the “certified orgasmic” tshirt, it makes me feel on fire!!!!:) and i used my vibrator in front of my husband and it wasn’t scary and he loved it. We broke down that brick wall. I got my period the next day but I still was horny so we got creative and I did it myself a few times or he helped me in various ways. Now that my period is over we have had sex 4 days in a row!!!!!i have NEVER wanted to have sex this much. Lol!! And last night, *I* seduced *him* into having sex with me! Ha! Thank you Natasha and my circle sisters. You have changed my sex life completely.
Sometimes in the last weeks since I met you I worry that I will forget, that I will go back to a time before all this, but I am becoming more and more sure of myself knowing what to do, how to take care of myself. Just this afternoon I had one of the most amazing ones yet !!! And your techniques make so much sense, the rocking, the breathing. I’m figuring out more and more how to breath and delay, and enjoy. Today and many times sense I am left shaking, pulsing, and the energy I have released and taken in is like nothing I ever experience before. So so nice. I see why people talk about orgasms as useful to get rid of headache, or to relieve tension from work or just to enjoy some quiet time alone. It is becoming this beautiful wonderful awesome new way of life for me. Everything you taught me was so perfect and I am so thank ful to live in this time and place where I have the opportunity to reach out and learn this way of life and of my body. I have already shared some with other women and will willing open to share with those who seek out knowledge or support. You are a wise gratious woman Natasha. Thank You.
Natasha’s workshop and friendship have led to deeper self love, appreciation for my body, reduction in body shame and a sense of sisterhood with other participants. In the “Art of Self Loving” workshop, during the sensate touch exercise, I exposed the area of my body that causes me the most shame and self hatred. When the circle of women lovingly touched it, I released an ocean of tears and body shame. I can’t say I now love that part, but I’m moving toward acceptance of it. It is part of who I am. Natasha and her expertise have helped me to develop an understanding of my body and my sexual orientation, the importance of pleasure, and the ability to take ownership of my orgasms.
There were no illegal substances, no drugs, no alcohol, no medication, no sex with anyone other than ourselves and still you make magic. It’s about being yourself and being vulnerable with others who are doing the same. That is the magic.
Read more on my blog
I had a cool experience last night. I was feeling really anxious so I surrounded myself with the safety of the circle. I imagined myself sitting in the gathering room naked and surrounded by sisters. My anxiety abated almost immediately. It was really cool.
I am excited to practice my new skills, by myself and with a partner and I also believe in my own ability to get there with time! You have really helped me over come insecurities that I’ve had with my body for many years and helped me take new steps to loving all of me! You have also given me new confidence and helped to become closer to my true self. Yesterday’s experience was more than I could have hoped for and I hope you know how truly incredible you are! You are beauty and thus instill beauty in others!
I am totally independently orgasmic and it is amazing!!! I’m like a young teenager horny as hell….building up my muscles, discovering new feelings, excited to have something to look forward to everyday with myself. I feel like I’m finally part of the club!
A story of myself fell off last weekend. I don’t need it anymore. It’s not me now. I let it go without forcing it or even consciously trying. I see each one of the women in my heart and mind, and I am incredibly thankful. Sisterhood, fearless, self-love, courage, free, possibilities, compassion, power, change, me, friendship, open, truth.
After spending many years feeling alone I am so relieved to feel a sense of belonging, and love for ME. Not my performer self, but that someone actually cares to see past all that and look at and love me at my core without my sparkly mask on. I feel interesting and significant and VISIBLE for the first time in a long time. Thank you.
I want an orgasmic life, in all areas, and this experience has inspired me to get there. Getting in touch with my body, learning how it works, and seeing the beauty in the way I am made is making me a better mother and teacher to my children.