This blog post has absolutely nothing to do with sex. It has to do with empathy and being hit to my core with something. It also has to do with my desire to live consciously.
I have decided to abstain from drinking any alcohol for the next 2 months. No I am not an alcoholic nor do I have a drinking problem and I’m not really trying to make a difference or point. I’m doing this….
Because….in my city a family of 4 was killed by a drunk driver last weekend and I can’t stop thinking about it.
Because….as much as I can’t stop thinking about the family killed I am thinking of the woman who killed them. She is a mother of 5, as am I, and I wonder if she will get through this alive.
Because…. a friend whom I deeply respect and admire called me last night saying she needed to talk to someone instead of taking a drink.
Because…. there are people in my life whom I love deeply that are alcoholics and I worry about them.
Because…. another friend of mine is having difficulties navigating her old relationships while being sober.
Because…. I have driven when I shouldn’t have.
Because…. I have hurt people that I love by doing stupid things when I was drunk.
Because…. by saying no to drinks I will be reminded of all of these things and all of these people and that can’t be a bad thing.
Because…. not having a drink for 2 months for a non alcoholic like me seems like a very difficult thing to do.